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Medical Programme

Believe it or not – you can sign up for as low as £2.32 per day, which includes the time with the doctor and the appetite suppressants. You are not tied to any contract and can leave the programme any time you want to. Some patients have said that their largest cost has been their new wardrobe.

All programmes include time with the doctor, advice and appetite suppressants.*

  • 1 week programme:£20
  • 2 weeks programme: £40
  • 4 weeks programme: £69
  • 8 weeks programme: £138
  • 12 weeks programme: £195 (£2.32 per day)

* Results may vary from person to person.

Wegovy and Mounjaro Programmes

Slimming Medics is now offering Wegovy, sometimes referred to in the press as the ’skinny jab’ or ‘fat jab’ which is one of the new-generation weight-loss drugs (Semaglutide, GLP-1) that could be a powerful new tool in helping people who have always struggled, to lose weight.

After  – 12 weeks programme

Weygovy Weekly Semaglutide Injections:

  • 1st Month: 0.25mg: £189 (plus £10 delivery)
  • 2nd Month: 0.5mg:  £189 (plus £10 delivery)
  • 3rd Month: 1.0mg:  £189 (plus £10 delivery)
  • 4th Month: 1.7mg: £239  (plus £10 delivery)
  • 5th Month+: 2.4mg £278 (plus £10 delivery)

We also offer Mounjaro, as one of the new-generation weight-loss programs. It contains an active substance called Tirzepatide which activates 2 natural substances in your body, GIP and GLP1.

For a fuller explanation, call Siobhan Fox, our weight loss consultant, 07468 478360.

 Mounjaro weekly GIP and GLP1 injections:

  • 1st Month: 2.5mg: £215 (plus £10 delivery)
  • 2nd Month: 5.0mg:  £215 (plus £10 delivery)
  • 3rd Month: 7.5mg:  £235 (plus £10 delivery)
  • 4th Month: 10.0mg: £235  (plus £10 delivery)
  • 5th Month: 12.5mg £255 (plus £10 delivery)
  • 6th Month: 15.0mg £255 (plus £10 delivery)

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